Our Mission

In our Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology Center, one of the most innovative in the world, we treat all types of cardiac arrhythmias, from the most common forms to the rarest, in particular Brugada syndrome, following the patient in a comprehensive way, from cardiological diagnosis and genetics, intracavitary arrhythmia ablation procedures, cardiac device implantation, post-intervention management and monitoring through visits, hospitalizations and telecardiology systems.

The treatment of these pathologies is a real challenge for the future and importantly requires great effort, in terms of scientific and economic resources, to make innovative biomedical strategies and technologies available to our patients, with the aim of transferring scientific research progress to diagnosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.

In addition to the excellent clinical activity and clinical and translational research activity, our center deals with university and post-university training, with the Chair of Cardiology and the Specialty Schools of the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan.

The team of the Department of Arrhythmology and Electrophysiology is made up of about 90 professionals, including Physicians, Geneticists, Psychologists, Technicians, Physiologists, Engineers, Biotechnologists, Nurses and Administrators, who carry out clinical, research, training and study training activities of the mechanisms, diagnosis and therapy of congenital and acquired cardiac arrhythmias.

“We treat cardiac arrhythmias from genetic studies
to transcatheter ablation“

Request AppointmentRequest Information+ 39 02 36552440Piazza Edmondo Malan 2, San Donato M.se - Milano